Chateau Cupcake

From Chateau Reeder "Where life is Sweet"

Location: Smith, Nevada, United States

I love to bake, and recently discovered I have a Passion for baking cupcakes. I seem to do my best baking in my favorite pajamas. MMMmmmm, add a good cup of me Happy!!!! This is my journey of Baking techniques and recipes to see what I can master....And what may become a disaster..... WELCOME!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Blue Blueberry "N" cream cupcakes

mmmm-mmmm Good.........I have had Blueberry muffins but never a Blueberry cupcake. These were so much lighter and fluffier than a muffin.....They make a great afternoon snack as well as a yummy dessert.

The only thing I don't like about working with Blueberries is the mess they can create and they stain everything..........!!!! My fingers will most likely be purple for at least a week.

The recipe for these "Blue Blueberry "N" cream cupcakes can be found in Gail Wagman's book "Cupcakes Galore"

"Blueberries are so GOOD for you"


Blogger Dreamer said...

That looks soooo good! My mouth is salivating lol.

6:17 PM  
Blogger Shionge said...

Hiya Ms. Cupcake, I'm back! Catching up on your yumilious cupcakes heeee.....

How are you? New blog buddy golightly? Good good good!

9:12 AM  

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