Chateau Cupcake

From Chateau Reeder "Where life is Sweet"

Location: Smith, Nevada, United States

I love to bake, and recently discovered I have a Passion for baking cupcakes. I seem to do my best baking in my favorite pajamas. MMMmmmm, add a good cup of me Happy!!!! This is my journey of Baking techniques and recipes to see what I can master....And what may become a disaster..... WELCOME!!

Monday, June 26, 2006

The King's Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Bourbon Cake

From Marcel Desaulniers, Death by Chocolate Cakes comes this moist and unbelievably extraordinary cake..................The King's Chocolate Peanut Butter Bourbon Cake.

I really enjoyed making this cake.........There is something about baking a banana cake, that just makes my home feel so good, the aroma from my kitchen oven flowed all through the house, with such a comforting feel to it.

It has been said the Elvis's favorite sandwich was a Grilled Peanut Butter Banana sandwich, I made one once with my Panini machine and to me it was fabulous, almost like dessert itself, so when I saw this cake, I knew I had to make it..........

I also heard Elvis like fried Pickles..........This I could and will pass on (LOL)

This cake is made in four different steps and did take me, two days to make it.

First you bake the Banana Cake, then you make the Sweet Chocolate Peanut Butter Icing,
assemble cake and refrigerate several hours or over night which is what I did.
Next...........You make the Quintessential Chocolate Ganache..................I have never made a Ganache this way, a little different, but not much, it was easy to work with.........
Last, garnish with reserved icing, Banana slices and whole peanuts

"Elvis would have loved it!!"


Blogger purplecupcake said...

Ohh, I bet Elvis would love that too! WHO WOULDNT? I do just by looking at that marvel. You are truly a talented baker, it looks like a cake I could see at a very expensive bakery! Wow, you should really consider selling your masterpieces. I'm so serious! My heart is racing just looking at that.
The ganache looks totally creamy and silky. The bananas add a sweet touch. The nuts on the sides really make the cake stand out! I don't know if I could resist making a 2 day cake, i'd probably be munching on bits of it here and there. Great job!

11:11 PM  
Blogger Shionge said...

I'm a big big Elvis fan and hey Ms. Cupcake I'll do anything to be your neighbour and I bet I'll get a slice of everything you bake LOL

Not forgetting the smell when you bake.....I'll be the first to pretend loitering outside your house...waiting for a slice of everything.

Love that picture of the cake and I bet it's yummy!

7:30 AM  

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