Chateau Cupcake

From Chateau Reeder "Where life is Sweet"

Location: Smith, Nevada, United States

I love to bake, and recently discovered I have a Passion for baking cupcakes. I seem to do my best baking in my favorite pajamas. MMMmmmm, add a good cup of me Happy!!!! This is my journey of Baking techniques and recipes to see what I can master....And what may become a disaster..... WELCOME!!

Monday, March 31, 2008

Busy as a Bee

I cannot believe how long it has been since I have blogged, I have been so busy with work and school, it has been impossible..........But that is about to change.......I hope for the better......

I looked at my oven the other day and thought what is wrong with this picture..........Well the first thing I noticed was it was empty, not on, and no wonderful aromas coming from it.
So I set myself in motion to bake a Lemon BeeHive cake for my dear friend Nel who is celebrating her birthday later this week.....And all of us girls here in our neighborhood like to get, together and celebrate each others birthdays, we usually also go out for breakfast or lunch.
We have had some really good times and also have found some great resturants in the process.

If you are curious as to, how this was made I used a Nordicware beehive pan and the recipe that came with pan. The sugar bees I found at It was easy and alot of fun............Party's tomorrow

I hope the ladies will enjoy it as well

Happy Birthday your how old?..........ah but you don't look it.....your still a youngster