Chateau Cupcake

From Chateau Reeder "Where life is Sweet"

Location: Smith, Nevada, United States

I love to bake, and recently discovered I have a Passion for baking cupcakes. I seem to do my best baking in my favorite pajamas. MMMmmmm, add a good cup of me Happy!!!! This is my journey of Baking techniques and recipes to see what I can master....And what may become a disaster..... WELCOME!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Congratulation to Joe and Kelly

We have the most wonderful friends, their names are Joe and Kelly, they are just so perfect for each other...........On Kelly's Birthday, Joe surprised her with an Engagement ring..........We could not be more excited for them......Best Wishes you two.........We love you.

To Celebrate this wonderful occasion, I needed something really special

Nutty Toffee Ice Cream Cake
This is a chocolate cake with a layer of French Vanilla Ice Cream in the center, sprinkled with Toffee baking bits
Frosted with both Ice Cream as well as a French Vanilla Frosting and surrounded by cream filled pirouette cookies.......Then topped off with French Vanilla non dairy whipping cream and peanuts and more Toffee bits.
For the final finish wrapped with a Ribbon to give it a really celebration look.
For a Holiday look, you could substitute candy canes for cookies and crushed peppermint candies for nuts and toffee bits
and a beautiful Red bow
"Congratulation to such a wonderful Couple"
**This recipe can be found in Cake Mix Magic.........Awesome


Blogger Shionge said...

Congratulation Folks! So sweet of Joe and so sweet of you Ms. Cupcake for such a nice treat too.

Joe & Kelly - you're so lucky!

6:39 PM  

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