Chateau Cupcake

From Chateau Reeder "Where life is Sweet"

Location: Smith, Nevada, United States

I love to bake, and recently discovered I have a Passion for baking cupcakes. I seem to do my best baking in my favorite pajamas. MMMmmmm, add a good cup of me Happy!!!! This is my journey of Baking techniques and recipes to see what I can master....And what may become a disaster..... WELCOME!!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

It's Halloween

It's Halloween
It's Halloween! It's Halloween
The moon is full and bright
And we shall see what can't be seen
On any other night:
Skeletons and ghosts and ghouls,
Grinning goblins fighting duels,
Werewolves rising from their tombs,
Witches on their magic brooms
In masks and gowns
we haunt the street
And knock on doors
for trick or treat
Tonight we are the king and queen,
For oh tonight
it's Halloween
By Jack Prelutsky
"Happy Halloween To All"
***These cupcakes are Pumpkin with Cinnamon Whipped Cream. The recipe comes from Crazy about Cupcakes by Krystina Castella
And "Yes I did crave this pumpkin, is she not Great!!"


Blogger Shionge said...

Oh So Sweet :P

5:46 AM  

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